
Maliovitsa Hut (Мальовица)

Coordinates: N42 11.330 E23 22.451           Altitude: 1,960 m / 6 430 ft


Layout and capacity:
Three storey solid-built house - 125 places
Bedrooms with 2, 4 beds and communal sleeping.
Provisions: blankets, bed sheet, cooking utensils, cutlery, pots, water, electricity, park radio, restaurant
Toilet - inside the hut
Bathroom - yes, inside the hut


Maliovitcza resort - 1 h
Strashnoto ezero shelter - 2.30 h
Kobilino branishte shelter - 4 h
Ivan Vazov hut - 6 h
Skakavitca hut - 7 h
Ribni ezera hut - 10 h